Our Testimonials

“I have worked with Jane and her terrific team at Kilogrammedia for a number of years. Jane’s knowledge of the licensing industry is extensive, as are her contacts.

Kilogrammedia has offered us huge support in devising and implementing our PR strategy and enabling us to share our news globally.”

Caroline Mickler
MD of independent licensing agency Caroline Mickler Limited.

Heritage licensing is a highly specialised area of this business, with a very distinct focus and aims.

Jane and her team understood our requirements right from the start. We are grateful for their support and expertise and delighted with the consistently high level of positive and relevant coverage we have received.

Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)

Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)

Ours is a diverse portfolio of brands targeting a wide range of ages and interests.

This has never fazed the Kilogrammedia team; their clear understanding of properties ranging from pre-school and comedy to films and drama is precisely why we have worked with them for many years – and continue to do so.

Rocket Licensing

Rocket Licensing

For busy editors working to tight deadlines and very specific copy requirements, an agency that understands our needs is a major bonus.

The Kilogrammedia team genuinely get it.

Kilogrammedia’s writers and client support people supply us with press releases, articles and interviews that are relevant, well-written and precisely the right length every time.

Total Licensing

Kilogrammedia has been instrumental in the growth of Bulldog. We’ve worked together since we launched our company 15 years ago and they have been a key team member as we’ve grown from startup to become one of the industry’s leading players.

As our offering has grown and evolved Kilogrammedia has adapted, continuing to bring our message – about new deals, new initiatives and a changing and growing client list – to the widest possible audience and keeping licensing industry awareness high.